Monday, February 19, 2007

First half marathon.

We finally ran our first half marathon in Langley. What fun! I felt so good. Others were telling me to slow down but I was striding nicely. I had NO idea what my pace was so I had to ask more experienced runners. I started following the 2:00 pace bunnny but she was too slow. I felt great and comfortable through the whole run.. except for the last hill.. but it was do-able. Jim finished ate 1:42, great time Jim. He expected me to show up 20 mins later but I came in at 1:45. We were both very pleased with our first 1/2 marathon times.. well under 2 hours!! We partied for the rest of the day. Jim had 2 beer at a pub right after, crazy guy! Suprisingly, I had no pains during and felt quite good the next day... could I have gone faster?? whatever, I'm pleased with my first half. It kept me in shape for the trail runs.

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